During the 20 Back run, Kenner started a program that would become one of the most cherished Star Wars action figure collecting opportunities. The chance to get a new action figure before anybody else. The first one was to be Boba Fett.

A burst printed on the front of the cardback disclosed the offer while the back detailed redemption instructions.

Unfortunately, the free Boba Fett offer would become one of the biggest disappointments of the entire Star Wars figure line. As seen below on 20c, Boba Fett was originally to have a rocket-launching backpack. Shortly after the offer was introduced, a child choked on a launching projectile from another manufacturer's toy line. Moving quickly in response to this tragic turn of events, the 20c back went through 4 sticker adhered revisions.


20d: Kenner’s first course of action was to change the offer on product already in circulation. This resulted in placing a black sticker over the illustrated picture of Boba Fett’s rocket launcher in action.

20e: A more appealing and descriptive sticker was created to cover the original rocket launching illustration. It is possible that this sticker was also placed over the black sticker, creating a different version.

The haste at which Kenner had to react, created the possibility that both 20d and 20e could be base versions for any subsequent refreshes.



20f and 20g: Combating production delays and fan disappointment Kenner extended the offer with the placement of yet another sticker.



20h and 20i: A second extension, led to yet another sticker.



Later assortments would release “refresh stickers” with current promotions to be affixed onto older stock. These stickers would create additional versions of this cardback not showcased here.

Boba Fett Offer Cardbacks